Corporate Policy


NAKAO INTERNATIONAL has been successfully in business since it was established in April, 1990 being warmly supported and professionally guided by its' customers and business partners in Japan, Europe, the USA and in Asia.

NAKAO INTERNATIONAL strives to continue it's excellent service by using thorough research to secure the most appropriate advanced technology and products for the needs of it's customers from all over the world. We would like to become trusted business partner of our customers, and believe even in today's ever changing world, we can do it by devoting ourselves to uncompromised effort of research. We will make our best effort to complete our research because we know our strength comes from it. Taking this opportunity, we would like to share some of our main strategies and management philosophy.


We would primarily like to try to fulfill the needs of society in the following areas;

*Safety, Security, & Defense
*Health & Beauty
*Education & Training
*Quality of Life (Sports, Entertainments, etc.)


NAKAO INTERNATIONAL wishes to become a factory where employees can realize their dreams. Our company management believes no one has limitations on how much they can succeed. The only limitation employees have is their "Imagination".
It is our company's great asset

if employees vividly work,
if employees can maximize their professional ability,
and if they can achieve DREAMs.

Our management hopes employees work hard so that their job becomes an important part of their life as well.


Inside the company and with customers, we conduct our businesses based on the Rule of Fair Play. We disclose necessary and required information in a Fair Manner. Business must not be played one sided, but must be mutually beneficial.

NAKAO INTERNATIONAL works for the needs of our valued customers by recognizing our true roles, and by increasing assets of society in accordance with the direction members of society are pursuing.